How You Can Get Lots of Facebook Fanpage Likes Using Social Bookmarking Websites
Because Facebook boasts about 750 million active users as of today, it is very important for an online business to be able to establish a strong presence in this popular social networking site. If you can promote your business through Facebook and reach even just a fraction of its 750 million active users, there is no denying that its impact to your business will be very big. Creating a Facebook fan page is arguably the best way to promote your business through Facebook and getting lots of ‘likes’ from Facebook fans is undeniably the only way for your Facebook page to be successful.
In order for your Facebook Fan Page campaign to be successful, you must be able to get lots of “likes” from Facebook users. A Facebook user who ‘likes’ your page officially becomes your fan, which is also equivalent to having them subscribe to your page. Once subscribed as a fan, these users can view all the updates, offers, services, and any other information coming to-and-fro your page. Because of this, informing people about the activities of your business becomes much easier. Fans can share whatever they see from your Fan page to their friends, opening up an opportunity for a “word-of-mouth” style of marketing without spending lots of money in the process (Get Lots of Facebook Shares).
If you have money to spend, you can use Facebook Ads as a way to speed up your acquisition of Facebook Fans. However, paying Facebook to promote your page might cost you a lot of money especially if your business’s niche is a very competitive one. To solve this problem, you can use another form of social networking platform as a way to boost your Facebook page’s traffic: social bookmarking.
Social bookmarking sites are great for getting instant traffic because of their nature. In essence, a social bookmarking site is just a place where you can find links to websites that offer news or article readings. For example, I read an article about Basketball that I found really interesting, I can post the link to that article in a social bookmarking site so that other people can read and comment on it. A lot of people visit social bookmarking sites to look for the latest news and articles so it is a really great venue to promote your Facebook Fan Page.
So how do you use social bookmarking sites to get instant Facebook Fans? Simply create a very catchy article with a very catchy title, post it on your website, or in any other article directory and submit it on a social bookmarking website. Easy right? Or I am missing something here?
The fact is, you should still add a link from that catchy article pointing to your Facebook page. That way, your readers can click on that link after reading your article and get the chance to “like’ your Facebook page. In writing an article, be sure that it is very informative and catchy. “How to” lists and “Top Ten” lists are great formats that you can use to write your articles.
For example, if your business is about selling fishing rods and baits, make an article about “the top ten biggest fishes caught using fishing rods” or something like that. At the end of the article, write a phrase that says something like “if you want to know the secret in catching big fishes, visit our Facebook fan page here …”. Don’t forget to include a link pointing towards your Facebook page at the end of your article to make the most out of your social bookmarking campaign. You might not believe it, but a well-written and catchy article can really bring in people from social bookmarking websites straight to your Facebook Fan Page.
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